Attorney on Call Program (AOC)
The Attorney on Call Service has been discontinued. To get legal advice on a question you may have, schedule a kick-off call with us or click the image above!
For just a small monthly fee you can have your own Attorney on Call.
Finally, a Business Attorney Advice & Advisory Service that does not break the Bank!
What does it cost and what do I get?
The AoC Program in a nutshell.

AoC Advisory Service
- Do you hesitate to call your attorney because it might cost you an Arm and a Leg?
- Does it bug you that just asking your attorney a question can result in a $600 charge?
- Are you taking business risks by not calling your attorney because they charge upwards of $400 dollars an hour and just to answer a simple question?
- Would it benefit your business to be able to have a regular call with your attorney and be able to discuss your business decisions and challenges?
If you are a small business owner based in California with an operation in or within 100 miles of Orange County or if any of the above questions apply to you, the AoC (Attorney on Call) program is probably just what you need.
Small Business Often Fail – You Have Heard It Before!
One reason small businesses fail is that they often take way too many legal risks. When they get into trouble, the cost to correct the situation can be very high indeed.
In interviews with over 400 local small business owners in Orange County, California we found that they often hesitate to call their attorney to discuss upcoming decisions and changes.
Business Owners Rarely Do a Good Job of Assessing Legal Risks
Business owners, therefore, rarely do a good job of assessing potential legal risks and fail to take what might be simple risk-mitigating steps. These decisions and changes include workplace issues, legal document review, liability issues, hiring models, tax issues, business entity structure problems, and corporate record maintenance issues.
Small business owners do this because they perceive the cost of calling their attorney to be very high. They perceive calling just to discuss what’s happening in their business out of the question because the phone conference will generate potentially high and erratic hard costs that are difficult to manage. When an attorney charges upwards of $400 an hour, you can bet most business owners are going to only call their attorney when they absolutely have to.
With this issue in mind, we have built our AoC (Attorney on Call) service for small businesses. The main goal of the program is to take the pain, the high cost, and unpredictability out of the process and to encourage owners to take a more proactive preventative approach to risk mitigation in their business.
Imagine, for just a single low monthly fee, equivalent to less than a one-hour attorney consultation, you get free ongoing access to your attorney. Within this program, we encourage our AoC clients to call us regularly and discuss their business setup, new decisions, contracts; in fact, anything or any change that might affect their business.
- Run Your Business on a Solid Foundation
- Save in legal fees in the long term
- Take the Unpredictability out of Consultative Legal Fees
- Reduce Your Business Risks
- Consult Your Attorney Whenever you Want
Find out if you qualify for our Small Business Attorney on Call program.
Call +1 (714) 634-4838 and ask about our AoC service.
You Know The Saying, “An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Ton Of Cure”.
Legal issues are often like that.
We had a client just this week find us on Yelp. They formed a small business S corporation to distribute products developed and created by manufacturers.
In this particular instance, the client was presented with an opportunity to distribute a new product for a small manufacturing company. They were both so excited, they did a deal on a handshake.
Why do a deal on a handshake? The client’s major concern was that it would cost them a lot of money to consult with an attorney about the kind of paperwork they should create to make the deal “legal”.
Besides, the manufacturers seem to be honest guys. Not wanting to waste time or money consulting with an attorney, they agreed to distribute the manufacturer’s product or handshake.
And here is what happened…
After months and months of hard work in marketing and distributing the product, orders started to flow in. The manufacturer decided that it no longer needed our client the distributor.
Faced with losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing costs that it been advanced for the manufacturer, not to mention the profits that would be earned from the sale of the products in the marketplace, they called us. Unfortunately, it was too late to save them money.
The only option available to them was to initiate an expensive lawsuit.
What they found was that…
Had they consulted with us at the start of the deal, in just an hour, they would have learned the 4 key points of a contract they could have negotiated. The 4 key points that would have guaranteed the recoupment of their investment and protected the future cash flow profits generated from their distribution efforts.
The AoC Program In A Nutshell
For just $300 a month, you get ongoing access to a local, experienced business attorney. You are encouraged to call regularly; and, most importantly, whenever you are about to make a significant decision or change in your business. We place no limitations on these calls. There is no contract or term commitment.
You can cancel at any time should you feel you are not getting value for money. Our goal is to provide a high-quality service therefore this program is however available on a limited basis only. We have a limited number of slots to fill. Enquire now to see if your business qualifies for this program.
Enquire Today While Places Are Still Available
Call us Today at +1 (714) 634-4838 and ask about our AoC service for small businesses.
Send us an email with your questions and contact information.