In California, nursing practitioners can start a business in the form of a professional corporation. This allows more nurses to not only practice their profession but also run their own nursing company. However, starting a business isn’t always as easy as it looks, and every business owner knows this as a fact. Among the many technicalities of forming a corporation is deciding on a business name. Know the legal guidelines and requirements for professional corporation business names.
What is the First Step in Forming a Corporation for Nursing Practitioners?
While most corporations form their business through the structure of a limited liability company (LLC), it is important to note that professionals such as lawyers, doctors, nurses, etc., are only allowed to form their business through a professional corporation. This type of corporation is a business structure that allows professionals to practice their expertise in the form of a company or business organization. Nursing practitioners who form corporations fall into this category.
Now, the first step in forming a professional nursing corporation is the drafting of the articles of incorporation. And this is not made possible without coming up with a business name idea. As easy as it may sound, brainstorming for business names in a professional corporation has a lot of regulations and limitations.
To know all the other steps of forming a professional nursing corporation, click here!
2. What are the Business Name Requirements for Professional Corporations? 
In general, corporations are not that strict when it comes to coming up with business name ideas. There isn’t even a need to indicate corporate designations such as Corp., Inc. or Limited that specify business status as long as the chosen business name is not misleading in any way or resembles the name of another existing corporation.
While this first step sounds pretty basic, it does not apply to professional corporations. Business name ideas for professional corporations are regulated and issued by the California Corporations Code, Business and Professions Code, the California Code of Regulations, and the State Regulatory Agency which issues the licenses of certain professions such as the Board of Registered Nursing for nursing practitioners. All of these mentioned are mandatory requirements that will approve or not the business name ideas of nursing corporations.
Our team of corporate attorneys has shared lots of their experiences with numerous clients having to go to them to redraft their corporate formations all because they did not follow the name requirements mandated by the government sources and agencies. While it is true that there are a few professional corporations not following the name requirements, it does not exempt any business owner from not following the rules. These circumstances are considered unprofessional conduct and anyone who violates them will be penalized accordingly. As a result, this affects business owners most especially their professional licenses.
What are the Important Notes to Remember for the Name Requirements of a Professional Nursing Corporation?
There are many other things to consider for your business name to be approved by government sources and agencies. Moreover, we have stated two very important rules to remember as these are the rules that are usually not followed by professional corporations.
- The name of the corporation must have the words “nursing” or “registered nursing” tied to it to indicate its corporate existence and the type of professional service it renders. You can write any name as long as it has any of the two mentioned above. We’ve had a customer who obtained their name as “Gerry Gibson, R.N A Professional Nursing Corporation” with “Gerry’s Nursing Service” as its operating name.
- Nursing corporations may apply for a fictitious name so long as the DBA has the words “nursing” or “registered nursing”.
Start Your Business Right by Working with Us in the Formation of Your Professional Nursing Corporation.
We have only tackled the first basic steps in forming a professional nursing corporation, which is choosing a business name. Yet, it seems like it is a detailed task to do and requires a lot of time and attention. We understand the hassle of having to go through all the legal processes which eventually hinders or delays the entire process of materializing your business. This is why our corporate attorneys are around. They help provide exceptional services when it comes to business name requirements for nursing practitioners in California. Corporate attorneys are able to offer specialized services and consultations like name requirements for professional nursing corporations in California.
Whether you are a nursing practitioner having the desire and plan to start your own professional nursing corporation, or you are already an existing nursing corporation with business name problems that need to be fixed, our team of expert corporate attorneys can help you solve any case. We provide world-class standards and make sure our customers are satisfied with the results of our services. We share many great success stories of entrepreneurs being able to start through their corporations and follow the right steps for business name requirements. Call our lawyers now at +1 (714) 634-4838. We can help you build your dream corporation the right way!